The bamboo forest house is presented in the modern city, the is designed by ROEWUarchitecuture. You can see from the front of the unique shape of this house, hundreds of bamboo covered the second floor of the house. The house was like tarzan house in the city with hundreds of bamboo forests attached to it.

According from the source on House Design News, on the 2nd floor is used for karaoke place for a family while on vacation to relax and enjoy it with all family. It is certainly very useful to relieve stress at work.

The house's bamboo forest provides a natural impression that is imported from the forest, so you will feel the comfort without having to come into the forest to see the natural landscape as it all you've got from this house.

Ventilation on the top of a very open, so that sunlight and air can enter freely, a highly desirable place to everyone. Sunlight provides health care in the morning, to the advantage of the best.
Source pictures:House Design News
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